What's life? Does it mean anything? It could mean something. But it's meaningless.
My life is nothing but a lie. I'm covered with lies and some cowardy friends that is not willing to tell me what's is the problem with me.
Friends is to share.. Not to keep. But what they are doing is so selfish. They are the one who is not giving me the chance to change myself to have a new life, a much happy life.
Yes, it is my fault that I ask so selfishly. Indeed, but they have a choice. They could choose to tell me not to go. But in the end they turn out letting me down. Keeping away what I should know and telling everything that I wasn't suppose to know. What's the meaning?
Without friends, life's really meaningless. Ourselves is a friend to the others. Why can't others take you as their friend? This is the selfishness of human being, or I can say, MAN.
In what I know, life is just a blank paper. They leaves us alone to color it on our own. Once we colour it the wrong way? We need to start it all the way back again to the end. To me, life's nothing but a lie, a life full of secrets, untrustable friends, liar. This is what the world is.
Can it be change? Yes.
My attitude. If only someone could tell me.
[ Meaningless life ]